
The PhD defence of CENEM's research unit GRK1896 member Mr. Peter Schweizer took place on 18. Sep. 2019. With his beautiful work of “Manipulation of individual defects in 2D and layered materials”, he has been awarded the title Dr.-Ing. with the top overall grade "summa cum laude" His PhD work ha...

Category: Allgemein, Education, GRK 1896

Hans-Georg Steinrück, an invited speaker at the DPG Symposium “Correlative and in situ Microscopy in Materials Research” coorganized by GRK 1896 receives 2019 Spicer Award for energy storage research at SLAC’s X-ray synchrotron. The award emphasizes how important in situ methods are to tackle one...

Category: Allgemein, Awards, Outreach, Symposium

Liquid phase electron microscopy is a powerful technique for investigating processes directly on site with high spatial and temporal resolution. This particular in situ technique was shown to be suitable for application in materials sciences, energy storage and biology. In a recent publication, rese...

A kick-off meeting between the CENEM microscopy group headed by Prof. Spiecker and OICE (Optical Imaging Center Erlangen) headed by Dr. Palmisano was held in a relaxed atmosphere in late afternoon 28 of May. After an one hour introduction to the respective institutes, around 40 attendees had intense...

Category: Allgemein

After a construction of less than 3 years, the new building of the interdisciplinary center for nanostructured films (IZNF) is handed over to FAU earlier this year. About 1200 m² of the IZNF are now the new home of three CENEM workgroups. Besides office space, the CENEM has now access to additional ...

Category: Allgemein, Facilities

This year’s school of CENEM's research unit GRK 1896 took place from the 18th to 20th of March in Pommelsbrunn. The school was dedicated for the preparation of the upcoming GRK symposium "Correlative and in situ Microscopy in Materials Research" taking place at the DPG spring meeting (1st to 4th of ...

Category: Allgemein, Education, GRK 1896