The article “Unraveling Structural Details in Ga-Pd SCALMS Systems Using Correlative Nano-CT, 360° Electron Tomography and Analytical TEM” by Janis Wirth, Silvan Englisch, Dominik Drobek, Benjamin Apeleo Zubiri, Mingjian Wu, Nicola Taccardi, Narayanan Raman, Peter Wasserscheid and Erdmann Spiecker h...
CENEM and GRK members contributed by investigating the morphology and the agglomeration of SPIONs and nano plastic particles by employing scale-briding electron and X-ray microscopy and tomography techniques. The corresponding paper is now published in Materials Today, further details and background...
The paper on “Microscopic Deformation Modes and Impact of Network Anisotropy on the Mechanical and Electrical Performance of Five-fold Twinned Silver Nanowire Electrodes” by Nadine Schrenker and colleagues has been recently published in ACS Nano.
Silver nanowire (AgNW) network...
Two research papers from the high-temperature group of IMN/CENEM have been published recently in the Proceedings of Superalloys 2020. The principal goal of the symposium is to highlight new initiatives and future growth opportunities for superalloys that are used in gas turbine engines and related a...
The article “Correlative laboratory Nano-CT and 360° electron tomography of macropore structures in hierarchical zeolites” by Benjamin Apeleo Zubiri, Janis Wirth, Dominik Drobek, Silvan Englisch, Thomas Przybilla, Tobias Weissenberger, Wilhelm Schwieger, and Erdmann Spiecker has recently been publis...
GRK research results in novel apporach for determining the number of layers of 2D materials
In a recent publication, a team of researchers of the GRK 1896, TU Dresden and Fraunhofer IISB developed an approach for conclusively determining the number of layers of different 2D materials within Van-der...
The paper "Segregation-assisted climb of Frank partial dislocations: An alternative route to superintrinsic stacking faults in L12-hardened superalloys" by CENEM researchers Malte Lenz, Mingjian Wu and Erdmann Spiecker has recently been published in Acta Materialia.
As the fundamental carrier of ...
The paper "Unraveling the Complex Nanomorphology of Ternary Organic Solar Cells with Multimodal Analytical Transmission Electron Microscopy" by CENEM researcher Dr. Stefanie Rechberger and colleagues has recently been published in Solar RRL. In this paper, the successful discrimination and spatial m...
CENEM scientists develop method for cleaning surfaces at the nanoscale
A team of scientists at Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) has developed a novel mechanical cleaning method for surfaces on the nanoscale. The technique successfully removes even the tiniest contaminants do...
We are happy to announce, that the paper “Low Energy Nano Diffraction (LEND)–A versatile diffraction technique in SEM” by GRK member Peter Schweizer and coworkers was recently published in Ultramicroscopy.
This work was realized at IMN/CENEM and demonstrates a novel setup for transmission diffracti...