Electron Microscopy

User access to the Electron Microscopy Facility

If you want to obtain access as a user to one of the instruments of the Electron Microscopy division please contact:

Dr.-Ing. Thomas Przybilla

Coordinator of CENEM

Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Chair of Micro- and Nanostructure Research

Room: Room 01.137
Cauerstr. 3
91058 Erlangen

CENEM enables the access to high-end electron microscopes for users of CENEM’s user facility. Three transmission electron microscopes (TEM), one scanning electron microscope (SEM) and one Duealbeam SEM/focused ion beam (FIB) instrument are available to perform investigations of a variety of materials and devices using conventional, high-resolution, analytical as well as advanced techniques of electron microscopy. The aberration corrected Titan Themis³ 300 TEM, as well as the GEMINI 560 SEM and the Dualbeam SEM/FIB Helios NanoLab 660 are only operated by staff of CENEM and the Institute of Micro- and Nanostructure Research, but can be used in cooperation and service order. The CM30 TEM as well as the aberration corrected Spectra 200 TEM can be operated directly by users of CENEM’s user facility.

The regulations of the Electron Microscopy User Facility, the access to the microscopes as well as the expenses for the users are defined in the user´s regulations.

Booking system

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